
Writer and editor displays her work and interests

Not your Traditional Travel Read

Monday 15 April 2013 - Filed under Books

“Sleepwalker” by Karen Robards and Kate Rudd (NLS DB-74479) is hard to put down. Another cop and a crook?–not quite. She has some mafia family connections, and he was once tied to a government probe gone south. Who’s good, who’s bad, and why are they running together? Attraction and distraction take them to the sea and to the sky to find answers.

“The Three-Minute Universe” by Barbara Paul (NLS DB-28046) is an old Star Trek favorite discovered by a new trekkie, well sort of. I fell in love with the crew based on some silly songs and parodies my son kept playing. Can the crew help people who have a good reason to be afraid of sharing their secret reason to know more than they do? Scotty has a sound-alike; Kirk courts Uhura to plan strategies. Climate control becomes an issue; a dangerous fire and a hurry-up hideaway bring readers close to the edge.

2013-04-15  »  Marilyn Brandt Smith


  1. Alice Massa
    16 April 2013 @ 9:43 pm

    Marilyn–The Ranch Potatoes recipe sounds like a keeper for the recipe box. What a wonderful variety of offerings you have on your mini-mag! AJM